My Portfolio Website!

See how this site was built, powered by NextJS, Sanity CMS, and TailwindCSS!


Maintaining and building the UI at Locust. An open source load testing tool. Define user behaviour with Python code, and swarm your system with millions of simultaneous users.


LifeMonky is a life adventure tool used to help you break out of boring routines with personalized challenges. Using your preferences like location, likes and dislikes, and amount to spend, LifeMonky will give you challenges to complete.

LifeMonky App

Now you can access LifeMonky on the Expo App store! LifeMonky is a life adventure tool used to help you break out of boring routines with personalized challenges. Using your preferences like location, likes and dislikes, and amount to spend, LifeMonky will give you challenges to complete.


Sparklemuffins is a chat application built with React Native. All messages sent between users use end-to-end encryption. Send messages or pictures to your friends with the peace of mind that your privacy is protected.

Mastermind Ruby Game

The Mastermind Game and Minimax Algorithm Written for the Odin Project!


Cove is a collaborative platform made to improve the experience of interacting online. Users can create and host virtual rooms in which they can collaborate with their friends, peers, or classmates. The rooms contain video calling and a variety of different applications. All actions in the rooms are synchronized between peers.

Ruby on Rails Blog

A simple blog using Ruby on Rails and Postgres SQL databse. Create an account, upload a profile picture, write posts in markdown, and comment!

Rails React Library

A library to organize your books online! Search for books using Google's Books API and then organize your books onto shelves to keep track of which books you've read, which books are next to read, and which books you are currently reading!

Bird Strike

Object Oriented Programming Game Written for Concordia University

Pomodoro Clock

A Pair Programming Project

JavaScript Calculator

JavaScript Project Written for The Odin Project